Monday, September 24, 2012

Blog 6

Blog #6: Set up a question you might use as the focus for a research project on one or several of these literacy narratives.  Identify the features relevant to your question. These features might characterize the people in the stories, the actions and interactions, the surrounding circumstances, the belief systems and assumptions and values of the people in the stories, and the outcomes.  Point out how these features - and the relationships among them create an answer to your question.  The more writing you post - the more feedback your classmates and I will be able to give you on your analytic process.
  • I am going to choose literacy narrative #3. Although, I do not relate to author that much, I find her story to be inspiring. I enjoy inspiring stories because it makes me think about my life and the accomplishments and struggles that I have in my own life that I do not take time to recognize. Looking at family influences, independence (pg. 7) and connection are things to look at. 
My question is: 
"How did the negative emotions that this woman have
 help lead her to a path of achieving her educational goals?

People: She seemed like a hard worker who over the many years that she was in school never gave up. She became flustered with work, school and scenarios at home, but she was able to overcome those struggles. I feel like emotionally I could relate to her not so much in terms of situations, but in terms of how she was feeling at times. Our ages and our family situations are different, but I feel like there is a connection.  I am not sure if I can place my finger on but I know that it is there. Her negative thoughts helped her to accomplish her goal of teaching, which is exactly what I hope to accomplish from the negative thoughts that I encounter as well.

How has her family influenced her to make the decisions that she made?

Surrounding Circumstances: She went to many different colleges throughout her life. She struggled with her husband, but made sure to keep her children happy and to give them a reason to be proud of their mother. Complications occurred that influenced her reality of her world  that surrounded her. She knew that being depressed would get her no where and she wanted to be on a successful path. She wanted to be happy and successful and she wanted to shine as bright as she could. She was terrified to go back to school again, mainly for the fact of failing in doing so. She was so afraid of failure that failure made her want to succeed (pg.2). The negative influence she received from her parents, but she did what she believed was the right thing to do and she loved her decision to be a manager at the card shop (pg.3).

Beliefs and Values:  She wasn't lazy and she wanted to go to school and wanted to make something of herself regardless of the struggles that she encountered while in school. She loved her children and felt such hatred for her husband, whom she rushed into marrying. She wanted to feel happy and whole again like she did when she worked at the card shop. Her children wanted better for her and that is why something clicked in her head and that was to be a teacher.

Outcome: She went to school and dropped out several times, each time realizing she had to go back to school to make a better life her not only herself, but for her children (pgs.4-5). Therefore, she was able to finally complete school and get away from her unloving husband. She accomplished her goal of becoming a teacher and she claimed that although so much around her has changed, the person who she was during her struggle was still there. She learned from her past experiences and will keep learning as she gains new experiences. I enjoyed her ending quote, "I have so much to learn, I'm not finished yet. Is any one ever finished?" I find this alone to be inspiring and true. You learn everyday and you learn from yourself, there is no better teacher than yourself. 

I believe that although she was in an abusive relationship (pg. 7), had her children to tend for and struggled with completing school, we are similar. I attended college right out of high school, but I am struggling to become a teacher due to the state requirements. Not being able to pass, brings me negativity, but I know that I am only about six classes or so away from achieving my goal of being a teacher. I always say, "I can't do it, i give up." But, that is not what I want for myself. Overall, I want to be the first one in my family to graduate college and I won't let anyone or anything bring me down. I am learning more and more about myself like the author said about herself. 

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